TNR (Trap/Neuter/Return) Services and Programs
Got cats?
Trap, Neuter, and Return (TNR) of community cats to their outdoor homes is the most humane and effective approach to managing and reducing community cat populations over time. The outdated trap-and-remove method simply does not work. Scientific studies show that TNR improves the lives of community cats, improves their relationships with people who live near them, and decreases the size of colonies over time.
In our City, we assist with TNR of our community cats: For Information on our TNR program and how it works, click HERE
*All cats fixed through this program will also receive FVRCP and Rabies vaccinations, a topical flea preventative, an identification microchip and have their ear tipped, which is the universal indicator that the cat has been fixed.
Additional requirements:
Program applies to feral, unsocialized community cats within the city limits of Hayward.
Services are provided on Thursdays and Fridays. Appointments with HASB are required.
Cats must be presented in a humane trap. Humane traps are available to borrow from Hayward Animal Services Bureau for a $100 cash. The deposit is fully refundable when the trap is returned.
Cats must be picked up the same evening.
Some cats will require an overnight recovery inside a home, garage, or other warm location. HASB will provide information on how to recover a community cat. For more information on recovery click HERE
Once recovered, cats must be released to the location where they were trapped.
If the cat requires additional treatment or surgical procedures, those fees will be the responsibility of the cat’s caregiver. If no caregiver has been identified, Hayward Animal Services Bureau will make the decision on whether to proceed with the additional treatment or surgical procedure or authorize the cat to be humanely euthanized.
Visit our TNR page to learn more about TNR, how it works, the vacuum effect, and find more resources.
To speak with someone about these programs, or other programs or to request an animal services neighborhood meeting, call 510-293-7200 or email

FREE Community Cat TNVR Program
Hayward Animal Services Bureau (HASB) is recently able to provide FREE Community TNVR to Community cats within the City of Hayward, thanks to a generous grant from California for All Animals.
This "no charge" program will be in place until grant funds have been depleted.
Although you will not be asked to pay for the spay/neuter services of the community cats, we do ask that you consider making a donation to our TNVR program so that we can continue providing services after the grant funding has been exhausted.
This program is only for community cats. To start the application process, please click here.
Please click HERE to find information and resources on our voucher program for personal pets.
To qualify for grant funding you will be asked to fill out an application, show photo ID and proof of your address, we well as proof of location of the community cats.
All cats will receive the following, at no charge to trapper/caregiver:
* Spay/neuter
* Vaccinations for FVRCP and rabies
* Flea treatment
* Microchip
* Ear tip (mandatory) ​
All other treatments, procedures, or medications will be the financial responsibility of the trapper/caregiver.
Feral Cat Spaying & Neutering
Humane Society of Silicon Valley
(408) 262-2133
Nine Lives Foundation, Redwood City
(650) 368-1365
Animal Fix Clinic
(510) 215-9300